A tablet stacked on top of books
Technology is evolving at breakneck speed and assistive technology (AT) is evolving right along with it. As a result, accessibility options in mainstream technology have increased exponentially. Because there are so many options, choosing the right piece of technology can be overwhelming, even for those who are technologically savvy. Pre-built accessibility features make using AT…

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A collection of AT devices
OneNote(new window) is a simple yet powerful note-taking app which allows users to quickly create and sync documents on their iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, Chromebook, or Windows device. The app is designed to provide users with a flexible note-taking platform that supports audio, video, and hand-written notes. And yes, it can transfer your handwritten notes…

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A woman using a laptop and smartphone
For many of us, September signals a return to school, which means more responsibilities and homework. And while we all know that getting organized is the best way to stay on top of our responsibilities, staying organized throughout the school year can be a real challenge, especially for individuals who struggle with executive functioning and…

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