Assistive technology concept.

Introducing the new AT app from Oralys(new window)!

Ideoprompt allows for the creation of simple, personalized visual schedules with prompts that can assist with everything from activities of daily living to learning job related tasks. It is ideal for those who need step-by-step task support, a structured organized environment, or those requiring reassurance for transitions. The inclusion of visual cues (photo, video, pictograms) and vocal cues (voice synthesizer, voice recordings) within the App supports the user to complete an unlimited number of tasks easily and efficiently.

What makes this App unique is that it is intuitive and simple enough for young children and those who are challenged by technology. It can also be easily customized to suit a wide variety of individuals, different tasks and changing needs. It is also bilingual and can be used in both French and English. Available on both Android and IOS platforms, the full version cost between $210.00 – $219.99. There is a free lite version that can give you the opportunity to try out and determine if it is the right app for you before making the investment.

Uses for IdeoPrompt:

>Individuals who would like to work independently but need guidance on what they need to do next

>People with learning disabilities that need help staying focused and on track

>Seniors who have memory loss challenges