Two students studying together.
1. Test your assistive Technology Check to make sure your assistive technology is in good working order. Do you need new batteries? Is the device charging correctly? Now is the best time to make sure everything is working properly. Does your operating system, software and/or apps need to be updated? Take the time to ensure…

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A woman using a laptop and smartphone.
For many of us, September signals a return to school, which means more responsibilities and homework. And while we all know that getting organized is the best way to stay on top of our responsibilities, staying organized throughout the school year can be a real challenge, especially for individuals who struggle with executive functioning and…

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A businessperson at their desk using a desktop and tablet.
It’s back to school time! Yes, those days of summer sun, backyard barbecues and summer road trips are coming to an end. If you are back to class, whether to middle school, high school, college or university or even back to work you will need to get organized. Sometimes it is not about the app…

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