Student life can be challenging for anyone, and for persons with disabilities, this is especially true. Of course, there are plenty of tools and apps available to help overcome barriers surrounding disability and education, and we’ve explored many of those solutions in past e-bulletins. Unfortunately, some of these solutions require extensive training, funding/purchasing of equipment,…

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Over the past several years, Microsoft has been gaining ground in the battle for most accessible computing systems. During that time, Windows has made vast improvements in its out-of-box accessibility. And now with a new Windows OS on the horizon, it’s evident that Microsoft has embraced the concepts of universal design and accessibility in a…

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Whether you’re a student, a working professional, or anything in-between, there’s a good chance that you’ve struggled with math at least once in your life. Now, imagine if you had the ability to instantly scan and solve the calculation that was in front of you and then have the necessary steps broken down and explained?…

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