A blind man using his Android Smartphone.
In recent years, Google has gone to great lengths to bolster the accessibility of Android devices. And although iOS still wins top honors for built-in accessibility, Google has released some interesting accessibility add-ons that warrant some further discussion. The Android Accessibility Suite is a free add-on that can be downloaded via Google Play store. This…

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A man using a laptop and headphones to study.
While the internet is a much more accessible place than it was a few years ago, there are still plenty of online resources that have yet to adopt universal design for learning principals into their online content. Now, imagine if there was an app that could help make these resources more accessible, something that could…

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A man in a wheelchair working with another man.
Earlier in the month, we explored a variety of assistive technology apps that are available as Google Chrome Extensions. These apps were created by third party developers such as Ginger Software, TextHelp, Claro Software etc. and use Chrome as a platform to host their product. What many AT users might not realize is that Google…

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An iPhone settings screen.
Since its initial release in 2010, the iPad has set the golden standard for built-in accessibility features, and Apple’s accessibility innovations have continued to be developed at an impressive speed. Each major update contains new accessibility features, improvements, and fixes, greatly improving and enhancing the overall user experience, especially for those users who take advantage…

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A woman using headphones to listen to her smartphone.
In recent years, audio-based entertainment and learning has becoming more and more prevalent with the rise of many audiobook services such as LibriVox, Kobo, and, the subject of this week’s ebulletin, Audible. Audible not only offers an impressive library of audio-based books, radio shows, magazines, and theater performances, this service features top-tier actors and narrators…

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